Tuesday, February 23, 2010

PSBB Teachers 18 - Charumathi Ma'm

[Start of Series]

(Part 17 

History - '95-'98
Mrs. Charumathi was a well-read lady who taught us History during 6-7-8. History during 6th-8th, coming to think of it, is an extremely tricky proposition - as much as I can remember, the subject was quite boring and that's the time when the boyishness in kids (back during my time, at least) comes of age and rebellion/naughtiness is no longer restricted to only the pranksters of the class. So it was no surprise that our class used to pester the poor old lady (en masse) to no small extent. She must've been quite old then itself. For most part of PSBB, I was this Powder Subramani-type guy, so I was, as always, very well-behaved in her not-entirely-engrossing class as well, but gradually, though I was never the mischief-maker or part of the mischief-group myself, I started enjoying their antics simply because it was fun. Chief among them were V.Arun (who went on to represent India in International swimming competitions), Alagappan, Joel (now a Navy officer :D) and Sushil (now more-or-less a Doctor :D).
Some time around 2000 or later, I remember reading her obituary in The Hindu. I hope she RIP.

(Part 19 here)